TTRSA have experience in developing sustainable traffic and transport plans and strategies. We produce plans and strategies that are: holistic; supported by the public; cost effective; and, most importantly deliverable.
Whilst there is no statutory requirement for local authorities within Ireland to develop or implement strategies for delivering improvements to transport, beyond the requirements of City and County Development Plans, there is an imperative for local authorities to ensure the sustainability of village, towns and cities in both environmental and economic terms. There are a range of specific benefits to creating integrated transport strategies for such settlements, whilst keeping the strategies appropriate to the size of the settlement. Instead of what land should be zoned, and what roads and infrastructure do we need to build to service the land, the starting points could be:
- What do we need to do to improve the quality of life within the settlement?
- How do we turn the economic potential of the local population into economic output?
- How can we increase the number of people living in a settlement without causing additional traffic congestion?
- How do we create walking, cycling and public transport networks to serve discontinuous land uses and development? and,
- How do we develop public support for strategy which isn't focused on promoting unlimited use of private motorised vehicles?
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